Muvizhu Publishing

Publishing House for emerging poets


Welcome to Muvizhu Publishing, an innovative literary platform dedicated to championing the diverse voices of African poets and authors exploring the realms of Afrocentricity and Negritude. Founded by an idea hailing from Zimbabwe and based in the United Kingdom, Muvizhu Publishing is committed to amplifying unique narratives and fostering creative experimentation within contemporary poetry.

At Muvizhu, we are not only a publishing house but also a welcoming space for artists of all kinds. We actively seek out experimental styles that challenge literary norms, creating a community that values both written and visual expressions. Our mission is to celebrate cultural diversity, unearth untold stories, and shape the literary landscape with authenticity.

Excitingly, we are thrilled to announce that we will be publishing our debut poet’s chapbook in Spring 2024, showcasing a powerful and fresh voice that exemplifies our commitment to pushing boundaries. Additionally, stay tuned for our Winter 2024 magazine, where we will feature a collection of thought-provoking works from a diverse array of talents. Join us in this journey of literary excellence, where every story, every poem, and every voice matters. Welcome to Muvizhu Publishing – where creativity knows no bounds.